Nudity Preference
are YOU trapped in an unending cycle of addiction? Don't worry. After you click this, you will be in a much different plac...
You are overwhelmed by your urge to spend on me. Deep down you know that you'll never have enough to give me. You'll alwa...
You're afraid that the second you spend, you'll lose all control. You never had control. You just didn't know about me yet...
Whether you’re unsure how to say it or you simply buy everything I sell: Getting to watch a video of me is like a gift y...
A gift. Use Markup codes to give me more...
You spent so much time cruising around the internet with your dick in your hand and now you're stuck. You knew there were ...
If you'd like to chat with me, you must purchase my IDs. All chatting is at my discretion and incurs additional tribute fo...
Every time you click on a clip "just to read" the description, you lose a little bit more control. The fact that...
Let's make this easy for you. Since everything seems to be so hard. Let's think of some things that make your condition......
It's not like you'd ever get to spend a day in with me. But you can pretend while I ignore you....
Look at you. What do you even have to offer? The answer isn't intelligence, charm, or status. Know your role and things sh...
You can't let anyone else know about this. Who would even believe you? Who would understand you in this state? This is ou...
The Best In Luxury Fetish
You can select your nudity preferences:
if nothing is selected - Non-Nude will be selected by default