Hands Free Fuck
MARKUPS: sacrifice, prey, worship
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are YOU trapped in an unending cycle of addiction? Don't worry. After you click this, you will be in a much different plac...
You are overwhelmed by your urge to spend on me. Deep down you know that you'll never have enough to give me. You'll alwa...
You know you have to chance with me. Or maybe you're still fighting it. Either way, you're overwhelmed. Even if I *gave* y...
Nice guys are a lie. Nice guys aren't nice, they're just beta males w a strategy. Watch how nice a "nice guy" be...
Both medicine and poison are an acquired taste. I trade in both. And, being an honest thief, I want you to know that this ...
You boys say a lot of asinine things. I get it though. You're desperate to diminish the effect that I have on you. Feeling...
How does a tight body move? Just out of reach. And just because I've given you a taste, doesn't mean I won't cut you off. ...
You're in a cycle. Aren't you? You scuttle between this site, my social media, my website. Maybe you look for something th...
I ruined it, didn't I? Your dick, I mean. It's ruined. See. Ever since you brought it around here, it hasn't been the same...
This is what you wanted right? To fuck? (The Smith Proprietary Mindfuck. What you get for getting turned on. in the spirit...
Money isn't enough. Is it, slave? You want to hand over your whole life to me. No one understands how you work quite like ...
The Best In Luxury Fetish
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