Short Loser
Media Type
HD 720p
99.63 MB
Published Date
Jul 9, 2017
$8.99 USD

Don't even ask what I think you are going to ask, no I will not go on a date with you. You do realize when I go on a date I wear something very similar to this outfit including the heels. You are a short loser who has nothing to offer me. Small penis freaks have a better chance than you because at least their problem is covered up where as everyone can see what a tiny tiny man you are. After the date what am I supposed to do give you a hug? Ha do you not even realize how awkward that would be. I literally have to squat down umm I do not think so. I just don't date short losers and actually no one will date a short loser so it is just you and your hand forever!
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