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Sunshine is part of an elite, all female assassin squad: Sophia’s Stone Cold Assassins. She is cunning and wicked and n...
Your temp knocks on the door...and your eyes almost bug out of your head. You saw her from a distance earlier and just had...
NEW SERIES! Welcome to the first of our new series: SOPHIA'S STONE COLD ASSASSINS featuring Raquel Roper and Sophia Stone...
One of my loyal servants, who adequately goes by Tiny Dick Slave, occasionally sends me update pictures of his sad, shrive...
She has you. There is nowhere to go, nothing you can do to escape...only if you give up the information she wants, she may...
It's been a little while since Sophia has purposefully taken you to the edge and back...and this time she doesn't hold bac...
Now, my sweet. Be a good boy and do exactly as I say. You have never had an encounter...or an experience...quite like this...
Sophia comes back to the hotel room from spending a few vacation hours out by the pool. She left her boyfriend on the bed ...
You are mine. There is no denying it, there is no resisting it. You yearn to watch me paint my soft pouty lips in beautifu...
Miss Sophia Stone is a cruel and ruthless boss. We find her in her penthouse office smoking a cigar and laughing on the ph...
Sophia snuggles in to her master bed and readies herself for a well deserved slumber. As she reclines into the fluffy soft...
Now you've done it! As Sophia gets ready for an evening out, she sits on the bed to admire her perfectly shaped legs...the...
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