No thoughts, no resistance, no independence. Just a blank, obedient mind, ready to serve, ready to please.
You can try to resist if you want. You'll try to hold on, of course. It's instinctual, I suppose....but it won't last.
But we both know the truth, don't we? That little defiance flickering in your chest will burn out the moment I snap my fingers.
How good it feels to let go, to give in, to let me take everything you are and reshape it into exactly what I want.
That little voice in your head telling you to stop thinking, to stop fighting, to just… OBEY!
There's no need for thoughts anymore. No need for questions. I'll do all the thinking for you. I'll decide what matters, what doesn't and most importantly....what you are.
You were made for this. Made to kneel, to listen, to lose yourself in the sound of my voice.
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